
The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of the Aspectj Maven Plugin 
version 1.3.1. 

This plugin handles AspectJ usage with maven. Functionality provided is: 
weaving of aspects (or existing aspects from libraries) with the test and/or 
main classes, weaving of pre-existing jars and ajdoc reporting. 

To get this update, simply specify the version in your project's plugin 



Release Notes - Mojo AspectJ Plugin - Version 1.3.1  Bug[MASPECTJ-16] - 
<aspectLibrary> must support <type> (and <classifier>) [MASPECTJ-82] - Upgrade 
plugin to use aspectj 1.6.8 (actually 1.6.10)[MASPECTJ-86] - Allow compilation 
of weaveDependency when no sources are present in the project [MASPECTJ-90] - 
Classpath on aspectJ plugin doesn't respect the dependencies order


The Mojo team.

-Robert Scholte                                           

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