
I was wondering if there is a best practice regarding the use of repositories, 
not just for handling 3rd party dependencies but also regarding SNAPSHOT 
development and Releases from the project itself. I've read some articles 
related to setting up a repo and why use one, but nothing regarding how to best 
fit the repo in the development phase of software.

For example:
* Do developers only use their own local repo or can they use a central 
internal repo (mvn install the artifact to the central repo)?
* if they use their own local repo they should deploy SNAPSHOTs on a regular 
basis, but do you use a seperate SNAPSHOT repo for this?
* Do you use a release'-repo for specific releases?
* What are the steps a configuration manager has to take before releasing a 
deliverable through Maven (i know the release plugin but i'm looking for 
procedures and best practices)

So i'm not only looking for a best practice but for a 'workflow' guideline as 
well. Any thoughts, suggestions?


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