Valient Gough wrote:
Guys, your responses have been completely unhelpful.   I see no JIRA
link on the Mina homepage, nor in the FAQ, nor any link for reporting
bugs.  If you want people to use JIRA, a link would be helpful.
Hmmm. Site need to be improved, that's for sure !

Here is the link :

It can be found on the page (not the best place for such a link, I have to agree with you :/ )

I have created the issue :

I also have tested the problem, and you are right, there is a problem (and no, you don't download the html page when you do a wget :)

Thanks for your patience, Valient !
So in the mean time it has been weeks and the hash/signatures still do
not match. Here is an easy way to reproduce the problem:

Visit the Mina download site:
right-click and save mina-2.0.0-M1.tar.bz2.  Now do the same for the
"asc" file just to the right.  In another window run gpg on the asc
file, and it will inform you: BAD signature from "Mike Heath

Here are the links that I see from the home page (right-click
copy-link-location for both the .bz2 and the .asc files):

Seeing how easy it is to verify the problem, it is silly to hear
Tuure's vague assertions of user error.


From: Emmanuel Lecharny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: MINA 1.1.7 MD5 and SHA1 hashes do not match downloads
Newsgroups: gmane.comp.apache.mina.user
Date: 2008-06-19 09:18:29 GMT (2 weeks, 3 days, 14 hours and 55 minutes ago)

Thanks guys, for the initial report and also for Tuure response.

For such a problem, even if it's a no-problem, can you fill a JIRA ?
This will help to keep a track on what is ok and what needs to be fixed.
Mails just vanish after a few days, JIRAs stays for ever, or at leat
until they are closed !

Thanks !

cordialement, regards,
Emmanuel Lécharny

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