The Apache MyFaces team is pleased to announce the release of MyFaces Core 2.0.0-beta.

MyFaces Core is a JavaServer(tm) Faces 2.0 implementation as specified by JSR-314.

MyFaces Core 2.0.0-beta is available in both binary and source distributions.


MyFaces Core is also available in the central Maven repository under Group ID "org.apache.myfaces.core".

Release Notes - MyFaces Core - Version 2.0.0-beta


* [MYFACES-2356] - HtmlRadioRendererBase calls converter method getAsString() not with the object, but with the string version when an validation error occured
   * [MYFACES-2396] - @PreDestroy method of Bean in CustomScope not invoked
* [MYFACES-2410] - f:validateBean does not work as container for EditableValueHolders
   * [MYFACES-2429] - Missing localePrefix for resources is not ignored
   * [MYFACES-2430] - Button image url rendered wrong for resources
   * [MYFACES-2431] - NotSerializableException on state serialization
* [MYFACES-2432] - InsertChildrenHandler.RelocateAllChildrenListener throws IndexOutOfBoundsException * [MYFACES-2434] - dummy request/response classes for system event listeners will break with Servlet 3.0 * [MYFACES-2436] - BeanValidator stops on null value (@NotNull not checked) * [MYFACES-2437] - columnClasses must not be rendered if colums > columnClasses
   * [MYFACES-2445] - NPE on rendering outcome target links
   * [MYFACES-2447] - PhaseListeners not invoked correctly
* [MYFACES-2450] - ViewHandler.deriveViewId must check is viewId really exists
   * [MYFACES-2453] - f:view is ignored by facelets
   * [MYFACES-2457] - f:selectItem "escape" property not bound in facelets
   * [MYFACES-2462] - <ui:debug /> is not working
* [MYFACES-2468] - MyFaces needs to support adding a <view-handler> in faces-config.xml
   * [MYFACES-2469] - Invalid outcome gives NPE
   * [MYFACES-2472] - Missing return in UIComponent.EventListenerWrapper
   * [MYFACES-2474] - Fix navigation handler algorithm for redirects
   * [MYFACES-2475] - Visit facets in UIComponent.visitTree()
   * [MYFACES-2476] - @this in render not resolved on ajax request
   * [MYFACES-2477] - Ajax related fixes for command components
* [MYFACES-2481] - Wrong property name in payload for ajax callback functions
   * [MYFACES-2482] - Use Error instead of Exception in Ajax Js Impl
* [MYFACES-2484] - public final void pushComponentToEL(FacesContext context, UIComponent component) crashes if component is null * [MYFACES-2488] - PreRenderViewEvent-listeners could change UIViewRoot or set responseComplete * [MYFACES-2498] - Myfaces should be able to gracefully handle a runtime with the bean validation API on the classpath but no impl * [MYFACES-2499] - f:validateBean disabled="true" not processed correctly * [MYFACES-2501] - f:validateBean should only use the validationGroups from the stack, if its validationGroups property is null or an empty string * [MYFACES-2506] - @ManagedBean doesn't work with missing scope annotation


   * [MYFACES-2435] - f:facet can have more than one child
   * [MYFACES-2444] - Implement new JSF 2 c:set features
* [MYFACES-2464] - Find a way to do not use ELExpressions on jsf.js for getProjectStage


* [MYFACES-2363] - ExceptionHandler implementation requires deal with ajax responses
   * [MYFACES-2368] - Update Render Response Phase to new spec
* [MYFACES-2417] - h:commandButton and h:commandLink now can be rendered outside a form * [MYFACES-2418] - Implement h:selectManyXXX collectionType and hideNoSelectionOption
   * [MYFACES-2423] - h:dataTable renderer does not support colgroups facet
   * [MYFACES-2425] - JSTL Functions returns null instead ""
* [MYFACES-2426] - UISelectItem itemEscaped should return true as default * [MYFACES-2427] - Composite Component not bound when calling ValueExpression from broadcast * [MYFACES-2428] - Id generation for facelets cause problems with htmlunit 2.4 or lower * [MYFACES-2438] - h:selectOneRadio can't render HTML.NBSP_ENTITY before start label text
   * [MYFACES-2446] - ExceptionHandlerImpl is not correct
* [MYFACES-2448] - Wrappers created in 1.2 version should wrap new methods added in 2.0 * [MYFACES-2449] - ManagedBeanResolver and ScopedAttributeResolver could be called before UIViewRoot is available * [MYFACES-2451] - Add @JSFWebConfigParam annotation to new parameters in JSF 2.0
   * [MYFACES-2454] - Adapt default error page generation to new spec
* [MYFACES-2455] - ClientBehaviorHolder interface should be tracked by myfaces-builder-plugin metadata * [MYFACES-2456] - Interfaces should be tracked on myfaces builder plugin
   * [MYFACES-2459] - PreJsf2ExceptionHandlerImpl not correct
* [MYFACES-2460] - Add Resource Headers and allow EL Expressions only on css files * [MYFACES-2465] - PreJsf2ExceptionHandlerFactory should create new instances of PreJsf2ExceptionHandlerImpl for each call to getExceptionHandler() * [MYFACES-2487] - DeltaList does not deal correctly with transient objects * [MYFACES-2493] - ViewMetadata facelets compiler should not output DTD, <?xml or any UIInstruction outside f:metadata
   * [MYFACES-2494] - Component branches saved with PSS needs to be wrapped
* [MYFACES-2496] - Provide a method to find out if a facelets TagHandler has children or not * [MYFACES-2505] - ComponentHandler.isNew requires deal with composite components


Leonardo Uribe

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