The Apache MyFaces team is pleased to announce the release of MyFaces Core 2.0.0.

MyFaces Core is a JavaServer(tm) Faces 2.0 implementation as specified by JSR-314. MyFaces Core has passed Sun's JSR-314 TCK and is 100% compliant with the JSR-314 specification.

MyFaces Core 2.0.0 is available in both binary and source distributions.


MyFaces Core is also available in the central Maven repository under Group ID "org.apache.myfaces.core".

Release Notes - MyFaces Core - Version 2.0.0


   * [MYFACES-2361] - Add missing component system event dispatches
   * [MYFACES-2554] - myfaces's facelettaglibrary XSD incomplete
* [MYFACES-2615] - Conversion errors should add a FacesMessage instead of throwing a FacesException
   * [MYFACES-2621] - BeanValidation does not work with Unified EL 2.2
* [MYFACES-2622] - BeanValidator has to handle CompositeComponentExpressionHolder when resolving the ValueExpression * [MYFACES-2623] - validation-api and el-api 2.2 should be optional dependencies with scope compile in myfaces-api * [MYFACES-2624] - Automatically add h:messages if ProjectStage is Development * [MYFACES-2625] - TagLibrary using custom namespace fails to load composite component * [MYFACES-2626] - Application.createResource does not trip extension from resource name when try to resolve composite component class automatically
   * [MYFACES-2630] - HtmlBody 'onload' attribute encoding issues
   * [MYFACES-2631] - javax.faces.Messages.zh lacks two properties.
* [MYFACES-2633] - Cannot set properties on custom composite component class when are implemented on getter/setter * [MYFACES-2636] - Need to check for null ValueExpression in _BeanValidatorUELUtils.getUELValueReferenceWrapper()
   * [MYFACES-2637] - Serious Bug! ajax cant work using multiple forms.
* [MYFACES-2639] - Make org.apache.myfaces.REFRESH_TRANSIENT_BUILD_ON_PSS param = auto the default * [MYFACES-2641] - Use the application's ViewHandler to create the view in FaceletViewMetadata
   * [MYFACES-2643] - Update Google App Engine APT Doc
* [MYFACES-2645] - The view state is saved before encodeAll() is called on every UIViewParameter in an AJAX request * [MYFACES-2646] - Missing unit test for application.createComponent(FacesContext context, Resource componentResource) * [MYFACES-2647] - MyFacesContainerInitializer doesn't check for null class name * [MYFACES-2649] - Ajax chokes on script triggered onchange if input has onchange="" * [MYFACES-2650] - chaining ajax onchange with existing onchange creates syntax error
   * [MYFACES-2654] - Trinidad ajax-branch does not work with MyFaces2
* [MYFACES-2656] - Use UINamingContainer.getSeparatorChar instead NamingContainer.SEPARATOR_CHAR * [MYFACES-2657] - Already escaped apostrophes are double-escaped while building the ClientBehavior JavaScript
   * [MYFACES-2659] - TagDecorator in IMPL and API ...
* [MYFACES-2661] - h:link render conversationContext param multiple times


* [MYFACES-2546] - Conversion rules for obtaing renderable String from the "value" property of SelectItem * [MYFACES-2658] - Indicate a better error when using Facelet TAGs on JSP(X) pages

New Feature

   * [MYFACES-2116] - TODO 65: Partial View Lifecycle
   * [MYFACES-2644] - IDE Tutorials for Myfaces 2 Google App Engine support


   * [MYFACES-2124] - Enforce new API on UIViewRoot
   * [MYFACES-2183] - Integrate Facelets
   * [MYFACES-2323] - Implement <f:ajax> tag handler
   * [MYFACES-2329] - Add Facelet taglib 2.0 schema
* [MYFACES-2619] - FacesContext.validationFailed() must be called on validation errors in validate()
   * [MYFACES-2648] - AbstractMyFacesListener is not needed anymore
* [MYFACES-2653] - Fix implee6 include on code and clean myfaces impl pom.xml
   * [MYFACES-2660] - Review Facelets api usage


Leonardo Uribe

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