my name is chris.I received word from my webmail company that the PHP 5.3 is 
moving to PHP 5.5 and that XP and 2003 (word suite 2003 is no longer in toto 
being supported).
Does your latest version of open office resemble 2016's version of MS Word 
Suite or does it resemble another version of MS word suite like 2003 that I 
like or: 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016? 
I know many that do not like Microsoft Word Suites of 2010 and up to the 
current but there is not much they can do about it.
If I make open office my default word suite will it open every email from 
anyone that sends me documents using Windows 2016 meaning all documents?
Would you consider answering what for you here would probably be viewed as a 
stupid question, but for me is valid.I loved the simplicity of the 2003 and all 
the next versions got more complicated with bells and whistles for the home 
user who still loves a the word suite?
With open office can I keep the version that I have or should I download your 
current one?
thank you for your time. My server is changing the PHP on 11-30-15 so I do need 
your answer or input.

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