Dear Sirs,I'm writing you because I have a problem that I cannot solve.While 
modifying protected excel files in Open Office is quite easy, I can't 
absolutely modify word documents! I can correctly see the text and layout, but 
as I try to input the password (right clic, then modify and then I input the 
pwd) OpenOffice Writer says that the pwd is incorrect, even if I of course know 
perfectly that it is correct! ( I tryed already with and without caps lock, if 
you're thinking about it).It is maybe impossible with OpenOffice Writer open 
and edit documents protected first in Word?I have to work on my documents but I 
can't unlock them all, because are documents of my system ISO 17025 and they 
have to be always protected, unless the operator (me) is modyfing something on can I do? On this portable PC I'm working in desktop remote I don't 
have Microsoft word and I really don't wanna buy another software only for a 
password that can't be removed!I'm waiting for a kind reply from you.Best 
regards,Barbara Nosenzo

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