At 11:38 31/07/2016 -0700, Ron Patterson wrote:
I am just curious. I had no idea that the Open Office documents were 'zipped' when saved.

You are talking as if this is somehow a separate process: that the document is first saved in some format or other and then afterwards zipped. But no: documents in Open Document formats - .odt, .ods, and so on - are saved as a series of files, including Extensible Markup Language (XML) files, and these are then zipped into an archive. That archive *is* the zipped document file. Any application software capable of opening Open Document format files will be able to unzip the archive, of course.

Does this mean that if I email an Open Office document (as an attachment) it could not be opened by someone running Microsoft Word as that program could not unzip the document?

The question is simpler than this: just whether the relevant version of Microsoft Word can handle Open Document format document files. See for the answer.

Of course, you may prefer to send documents to users of Microsoft Word in .doc format or - if, as is often the case, they don't need to edit your documents - exported to PDF.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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