
When working in a more functional style, the null checks for adaptTo() are
not rally nice, and I typically wrap the result of adaptTo() just into an
Optional by my own.

String propValue =
Optional.ofNullable(resource.adaptTo(ValueMap.class)).map(vm ->
vm.get("property").orElse(() -> {return "defaultValue"});

it would be nice if I could write it like this:

String propValue = resource.adaptTo(ValueMap.class).map(vm ->
vm.get("property").orElse(() -> {return "defaultValue")});

It would require an extension to the Adaptable interface, but that could be
implemented as default method, so it's signature would not change.
While I can do that in my code as well, it would be good to have it in the
Adaptable interface as well; it can encourage others to use Optional
instead of explicit Null Checks; and the Null checks are often missing :-(


Jörg Hoh,

Twitter: @joerghoh

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