I have a web application which use web sockets.

I have tomcat 7.0.64 and tomcat 8.0.26. They both implements jsr 356 and
permessage-deflate (as I found from changelogs).

When I deploy war file to tomcat8 permessage-deflate works fine, but when I
deploy the same war on tomcat 7 permessage-defalte doesn't work. What may
be the cause?

The only difference which I found beetween tomcat 7 and tomcat 8 that
tomcat 8 use nio by default, but tomcat 7 bio connector. I tried to switch
tomcat 7 to nio connector only. But it doesn't work too.

I can't update to tomcat 8 by many reasons, so I have to configure it with
tomcat 7.

P.S. I use java 8u45.

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