János Löbb schrieb:
> Hi,
> I have three machines with three different FQDN.
> Two has apache 2.2.9  on it with Tomcat 6.0.18 and with mod_jk.  From
> this two one has three Tomcat instances running  and it is a Mac, the
> other has one Tomcat instance and it is a PC.  I use a web application
> for testing session replication and failover.  This application takes
> some patient id, query the backend database for more info, then if a
> print button is hit it puts one or more  barcoded label to the client
> screen.  Everything works fine.  Does not matter what httpd do I use to
> query the app, it works flawlessly  and if I shut down one or more of
> the tomcat instances, the sessions are failing over nicely.
> The next step for me was to put a load balancer in front of these Two
> machines, so I can even kill one of the httpds and the session still
> will be carried on on the other machine without the client knowing
> anything.
> This 3rd machine also has an apache 2.2.9 but no tomcat and no mod_jk 
> and it is set up as a reverse proxy.  Here is the relevant config info
> from httpd.conf of this load balaner
> ProxyRequests Off
> <Proxy balancer://pathCluster>
>     BalancerMember http://bml0039.yalepath.org loadfactor=1
>     BalancerMember http://bml0087.yalepath.org loadfactor=1
>     ProxySet lbmethod=bytraffic
> </Proxy>
> ProxyPass    /    balancer://pathCluster/
> ProxyPassReverse    /    balancer://pathCluster/
> <Location /balancer-manager>
>     SetHandler balancer-manager
>     Order Deny,Allow
>     Allow from .yalepath.org
> </Location>
> On this machine the things are working to that point, that it uses the
> webapp from one of the BalanceMembers and the traffic to the backend
> database is fine, but when it should send back the barcode in a pdf form
> it reports a 404 error.
> Here is a small log entry from the mod_jk.log of the BalanceMember who
> took the request.  The database lookup request went to node1 and the
> answers were returned.  Although sticky sessons are used, interestingly
> the printing of the pdf containing the barcode picture went to node2 and
> it failed right there with a "not found error".  It looks to me that the
> BalanceMember might had the picture, only it did not make it to the
> loadbalancer back.  I might be wrong on it :)

No good idea yet, but the problem comes from the fact, that the second
request doesn't send a session cookie, so you loose stickyness.

Check the cookie carefully at the client and compare it with the
situation, where no mod_proxy_balancer is involved. Any differences?



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