
This one is weird and makes no sense to me.  I am moving from a Tomcat
3.x (front ended by Apache) production environment to
apache-tomcat-5.5.23 running standalone.  My apps, which are all
interactive tools, are displayed in frame-sets containing either one or
two frames.  Each application has one frame that takes a long time to
come up or even possibly times out.  The old production system using an
apache connector did not have that problem, and my development system,
also running 5.5.23 standalone, does not have that problem.  The only
significant difference between the production and development systems
(as far as I'm aware) is that I'm directly on the development system's
console (it's my desktop) while the soon to be new production is in the
server room.  I don't believe that it related to system or networking
resources in general as the production system also handles our primary
apache web server and that runs lickity split.  The log files don't give
me a clue of even where to look.

Could it be related to the version of Java 5.  My development machine is
running jdk1.5.0_08 and the production box is running jdk1.5.0_0, but I
can't imagine that that's the issue.  Also, I'm not specifically setting
any run time arguments so both the production and development machines
should be running default.  Both system are running Linux although the
production box is an older version of the OS.

Any ideas about what might be the cause of this problem? 


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