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Hi all;

another question which probably can be considered stupid, but
nevertheless: I'm in an attempt of learning how to deal with
server-sided java by rebuilding an intranet solution formerly
implemented in Perl which currently runs atop gnu/linux. The java
solution I'm about to build is intended to fully replace this, which
requires me to do two basic things besides just presenting content:

- - users need to be enabled to upload files to some pre-defined folder
within the unix filesystem

- - users need to have a "download" page where they can fetch files from
within their $HOME

- From a Perl programmers point of view, determining which folders to use
might be an easy task doing some black text-processing magic using
/etc/passwd, but that's somehow not the way, I guess. Besides this,
users of course need to login to the site before they may up/download
anything, so I need to authenticate them against the Unix-style user
information stored locally. I'm not yet completely sure how to deal with
this... So, two questions:

* How to link a jsp/servlet-based app to any unix-based user management?
Will I have to take a dive into JAAS for this, or is there a faster way?

* Generally, since this is not really tomcat-related (just to the point
that I'm using tomcat for this): Can anyone recommend a good
mailing-list for j2ee newbies? :)

Thanks for any hints and bye.

- --
Kristian Rink *  http://zimmer428.net * jab: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
icq: 48874445 *  fon: ++49 176 2447 2771

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