Subject: FIXED: Re: No cookies using proxypass* from apache 2
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2009 07:30:48 -0500
From: Robert Schmid <>
To: Rainer Jung <>

For reasons I can't explain, all my mail back to the list is being
rejected as spam.  Could you forward this to list so it is archived.
It might help someone else.

OK, I figured out everything.  The inside/outside virtual host
solution was described in an earlier e-mail.

The final part of my problem was this - this does not work;

        ProxyPassReverse /eoservice ajp://
        ProxyPass /EOService ajp://
        ProxyPassReverseCookiePath /eoservice /EOService

This does;

        ProxyPassReverse /EOService ajp://
        ProxyPass /EOService ajp://
        ProxyPassReverseCookiePath /EOService /EOService

I realized that the client was not sending cookies because the cookie
had a path of 'EOService' but the calling URL had 'eoservice'.  I
thought maybe I had ProxyPassReverseCookiePath backward so I tried;

ProxyPassReverseCookiePath /EOService /eoservice

Thinking it would solve my problem but it didn't.

So I am presently simply using case-consistent paths.  However this
leads me to believe I will have problems with

ProxyPassReverseCookiePath /abc /def

Can you enlighten me on what I am missing?

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