>... or if Rich's default router selection draft is adopted, you could at
>least configure your site routers with high priority to outvote the 
>default medium priority, which would help were it a real "accident".

        it does not work when people misconfigures a router with "high"
        preference.  also, for this to be effective we need supports from
        end client implementations (there's very few).

>I assume the problem with using MAC level filters is you add another problem 
>for router renumbering?

        ??  i don't understand this part.  i think there was no text in
        router renumbering RFC, which changes an IPv6 host into IPv6 router.
        i was suggesting to filter out bad ICMPv6, based on ICMPv6 type/code,
        not by the prefix.  sorry if i wasn't clear enough.


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