Re: Hi ...

2000-07-28 Thread Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino
Did you try apache with IPv6 patch? In that case, IPv6 patch in the apache and the modssl part can interact in strange ways. it is not supposed to work. do you mean intentionally? it is intentionally not working? Or is it just about modssl requiring an IPv6 patch? My

Re: dns lookup with IPv6 transport?

2000-10-17 Thread Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino
Bindv9 is prefered. There is some limited support with bindv8 but it requires significant patching w/ KAME code. for server side, BIND9 is prefered. for client side, you will be able to lookup DNS over IPv6 fine, with the following platforms: FreeBSD 4.1 and

Re: ipv6 NAT...

2000-12-05 Thread Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino
That's what the faith thing does doesn't it? I haven't used it yet. freebsd faithd(8) is documented in the following internet draft: draft-ietf-ngtrans-tcpudp-relay-01.txt itojun - The IPv6 Users Mailing List

Re: spam: quakev6 game during ietf

2000-12-13 Thread Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino
sorry, at this very moment IPv6 router at the IETF venue is down. i'll try to recover it in early morning, dec13. well, don't rush, people can also use one of the tunnel brokers and servers. One of them is which is btw on the same lan as the quake

Re: Problem using IPv6 applications

2001-01-08 Thread Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino
For gif0 I was using ifconfig gif0 inet6 A B prefixlen 128 alias and also tried ifconfig gif0 inet6 giftunnel A B prefixlen 128 alias with the same effect. sorry my mistake. "giftunel" is not necessary. so correct ones are: if you are using %

Re: IPv6 dns

2001-01-17 Thread Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino
I am trying to get someone to tell me exactly what the problem is with the existing DNS servers and why there is any deployment problem. Thus far I can find nor get any concrete data that anything is wrong. I have outstanding mail to the DNS chair. Until someone can provide some concrete data

Re: ? about how IPV6 might affect Domain Names

2001-02-01 Thread Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino
Therefore IPless virtual hosting is no longer necessary on IPv6 (good for SSL!). I thought IPless virtual hosting is no longer necessary due to HTTP 1.1 Host: header. is my understanding correct? oops, I wrote it backwards - IPless virtual hosting already works fine

Re: tool for converting IPv6 address strings

2001-02-22 Thread Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino
this should be okay. itojun #include sys/types.h #include sys/socket.h #include stdio.h #include netdb.h int main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { char hbuf[NI_MAXHOST]; struct addrinfo hints, *res; int error; #ifdef NI_WITHSCOPEID

Re: local to upstream connection

2001-03-21 Thread Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino
just checking, of course you have configured "alpha" side too? huh? i did the configuration on alpha, not on ph-sfc-sat (the other endpoint)? should i do "gifconfig" on both ends? you need to configure both ends. itojun

Re: (KAME-snap 4403) Re: KAME SPD rules, possible bug? suggestions?

2001-04-06 Thread Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino
Because I am not sure all *bsd have same method to hook a ip packet. Do all *bsd have ipfw in this case ? I know IPFilter is implemented to FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD. But it cannot handle a ipv6 packet accurately. the code path is different between *BSD - yes, painful for us kame

Re: IPV6/KAME/protosw integration cleanup

2001-08-26 Thread Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino
I have still not heard any reason for the varargs here.. except it's needed for portability.. portability with WHO? portability with other *BSD projects (NetBSD, OpenBSD, BSD/OS, MacOSX maybe). BSD4.4 certainly didn't have varargs there 4.4BSD did not have

Re: IPV6/KAME/protosw integration cleanup

2001-08-27 Thread Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino
We are planning to fill your (and many freebsd hackers') requirements. just a nitpicking. - i don't think julian is in the position to set the requirement for freebsd. is he? - i have never heard from other people about (against) the use of varargs,

Re: rtadvd-rtsold

2001-12-10 Thread Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino
Now the host get its IPv6-IP by router solicitation, and that's nice, there seems to be no configuration for the nodes, BUT... How can my nameserver know which IPv6-IP eva has. Should it be configured manually? What are then the advantages of rtavdd en rtsold? I thought the idea was that

Re: bidiretional NATPT

2004-06-04 Thread Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino
Kame NATPT translation mechanism is a bidirectional mechanism? no. just like IPv4 NAT, it is unidirectional, and IPv6-to-IPv4 only. (you cannot identify IPv6 host from IPv4 host) itojun - The IPv6 Users

Re: Multiple internal nets, IPv6 addressing, subnets?

2005-03-21 Thread Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino
It appears to me we can resolve the situation in either of two ways: 1. Get two more /64s, tunneled behind two mode static IPv4 addresses, and route the two new /64 blocks into our DMZ and test networks respectively. 2. Upgrade our /64 to a /48, then allocate three /64 subnets from

Re: [IPv6 Users] ipv6 routing, problem with neighbour solicitation

2007-06-22 Thread Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino
I have a problem with routing and ipv6. Consider the following senario: i have three PCs setup in a chain (A - B - C ). All PCs do only have one NIC. (snip) so in your configuration, A, B and C are all on the same link but A and C has to use B as the gateway. B would send

content distribution provider?

2001-06-22 Thread Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino
does anybody have IPv6 plans/status lists for content distribution providers, like Akamai? I happened to be in Boston this week and I can visit Akamai if there's a contact point, as a preacher:-) itojun

Re: switches that can filter ICMPv6 router advertisements

2001-07-01 Thread Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino
... or if Rich's default router selection draft is adopted, you could at least configure your site routers with high priority to outvote the default medium priority, which would help were it a real accident. it does not work when people misconfigures a router with high