John, the bad news is that it was purchased at Big Lots, one of those
liquidation stores. The good news is that it was made in the US by an
American company, so Corning should be able to help answer your
question. You might try their web pages.


kilopascal wrote:
> 2000-12-26
> Hmm.  What shop did Santa stop at to buy this jewel?  Or was it mail order
> from the factory?  Clue us all in, we may want to buy a few.
> Thanks,
> John
Metric Methods(SM)           "Don't be late to metricate!"
James R. Frysinger, CAMS
10 Captiva Row               e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Charleston, SC 29407         phone/FAX:  843.225.6789

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