Excellent, John! This is a well-written letter. Hopefully with enough
drops of water we can turn this pothole into a scenic canyon. The
Smithsonian magazine is another favorite, old target of mine and if
you're a subscriber (I dropped them in protest) I urge you to write a
similar letter to them.


On Tue, 23 Jan 2001, John Tauxe wrote:
> The map and other images of Mars in your most recent issue are stunning, 
> and I was entranced as I explored the red planet through these images and 
> the accompanying story.  The article suffered from one drawback, however, 
> in its presentation of units of distance and other measures.  Undoubtedly, 
> all the science and geography surrounding the images is done in metric 
> units, yet NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC felt compelled to present units in the 
> archaic customary system of feet, miles, etc.  Fortunately, the map had 
> metric units printed on it, but only in a secondary position to feet and miles.
> NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC is a magazine of international stature, and I feel that 
> you owe it to your international readers, as well as your U.S. readership, 
> to adopt a more progressive stance in metrication.  Your current practice 
> allows the U.S. readership a certain laziness in proceeding with 
> metrication, and promotes their metric illiteracy.  In the name of 
> education, and in the spirit of international communication, I urge you to 
> adopt a policy of presenting metric units (and preferably strict SI, the 
> international system of units) to your readers.
> And keep up your standards in the fine art of cartography!
> - John Tauxe, PhD, PE
> Los Alamos, New Mexico
James R. Frysinger                  University/College of Charleston
10 Captiva Row                      Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
Charleston, SC 29407                66 George Street
843.225.0805                        Charleston, SC 29424
http://www.cofc.edu/~frysingj       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cert. Adv. Metrication Specialist   843.953.7644

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