
Business Week is an American publication.  Don't expect them to be
Europhiles. I remember when the Euro was first introduced in 1999 and the
American media hype against it.  This same hype is going to resurface in the
next 6 months as the Euro comes into full force.

Keep in mind, that the American Economic gurus are afraid of the Euro.  They
know that as long as the dollar stands alone and the world supports it,
American abuses of resources and cash can continue unabated.  The US should
have been bankrupt long ago, but constant investment by foreigners keeps
America's debt burden from overpowering and destroying America.

The moment that "investment" is withdrawn into something else, there will
chaos in the American markets as the debt shield crumbles.  The only thing
that can take away from the dollar is a currency that has the potential to
rival the dollar in power.  And that currency is the Euro.  It is in
America's interest to play up the fears of E-day in the hopes of keeping the
Euro from ever challenging the dollar.

But, Everyone knows, that once the conversion date passes and the Euro
markets destabilise, it will be a dawn for the Euro and dusk for the dollar.

And what will be said in the next year about Europe was able to convert
their entire economy from 10 different currencies to 1, and American can't
even make a simple switch in measuring systems?  Where will world confidence
turn when people realise who the real achievers in the world are?


Keiner ist hoffnungsloser versklavt als derjenige, der irrtümlich glaubt
frei zu sein.

There are none more hopelessly enslaved then those who falsely believe they
are free!

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)

----- Original Message -----
To: "U.S. Metric Association" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, 2001-06-29 17:07
Subject: [USMA:14109] Re: Euro logistics

At 16:09 -0400 01/06/29, Nat Hager III wrote:
>Interesting article on the logistics of Euro-conversion, from next week's
>Business Week International.  Makes US metric conversion look like a walk
>the park.

Yeah... At least Euro-conversion is thoroughly prepared, whilst the
US metric conversion...

Seriously, don't give too much credit to this article. Euro is
already a reality for many people, and conversion will go smoothly.
If some journalists want to make it a nightmare, that is their

Interesting : do you know how I get the euro symbol ¤ with my new
MacOS (9.1) ? by typing "option-$". In other words the euro is just
an alternative to the dollar ?


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