-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph B.Reid [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 03 November 2001 21:42

> After the Chernobyl disaster the Canadian Press reported that 
> an exclusion
> zone of 28 km radius had been declared around the site.  That 
> struck me as
> a most unlikely dimension.  I hypothesized that Associated Press had
> divided the original figure of 30 km by the conversion factor 
> of 1.6 giving
> the answer of 18,75 miles, which they truncaed to 18 milws 
> for publication.
> Canadian Press copied the report but converted the figure of 
> 18 miles back
> to kilometres by multiplying by 1,6 giving the figure of 28.8 
> km, which
> they truncated to 28 km for publication.

You're probably right.  A quick search on the web turns up both

...restricted 30-km/19-mi zone...
...the 30 km (18 miles) exclusion zone...


Michael Parry

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