
Well, that is news to me!  I had no idea English was spoken in Judea 2000
years ago.  For some reason I thought it was Aramaic and Hebrew.  And the
educated spoke Latin and Greek.  I should have known English was the
language of choice then too.  I'll bet even Adam and Eve spoke English.  And
the Neanderthal too!

Well, if we are going to start using Bible measures, then we have to give up
inches and feet and pounds too.  We have to start using Biblical units.  The
Bible forbids following practices of non-believers.  The units of British
origin go back to Babylon and Babylon is consdered the symbol of sin in the
Bible.  Thus the British units are units of evildoers and sinners.  Can you
imagine the reaction of the BWMA if they were told the units of Britain are
also the units of sinning Babylon?

Is Vivian Linacre really Satan in disguise?  We should have known this all


----- Original Message -----
To: "U.S. Metric Association" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, 2001-11-22 11:26
Subject: [USMA:16306] attitudes

> I just read the October issue of English Today, an English language
> This issue contains a lot about English as a world language. On p. 11 I
> something that says a lot about attitudes, which of course is important
> metric too. A school superintendent in Arkansas refused to introduce
> language teachting at the secondary level with this argument: "If English
> good enough for Jesus, it is good enough for you".

> Imperialists could claim: "As Jesus did not use metric, the world should
> use metric." And the condemnations of false weight and measure in the
> name non-metric units of course. In the nineteenth century extreme
> turned this into a condemnation of the metric system!
> Han

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