
A response!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Kelley L. Ross" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "kilopascal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, 2002-01-06 15:00
Subject: Re: Binary Prefixes

> Dear John,
> Adapting metric prefixes to binary numbers has been a matter of usage,
> which is all that the page in question was talking about.  It is
> interesting that there are new binary prefixes proposed.  I had not heard
> about that.  I imagine they will catch on eventually.  As for Angstroms, I
> realize that they are passing out of usage; but I don't have to like it.
> The nice thing about Angstroms and Fermis is that they are in the order of
> magnitude of the sizes of atoms and nuclei, respectively.  Perhaps
> continuing to use Angstroms will irk some people, but then people have
> irking me for years by continuing to use ergs and dynes.  The point of the
> discussion was that customary units, whether traditional or recent, come
> into usage often because they are appropriate to the material.  The
> one-size-fits-all metric system has its advantages mathematically, but
> there are also disadvantages.  I am therefore not entirely sympathetic to
> the vigorous enforcement of SI orthodoxy.  If that was the point of your
> e-mail, I will have to beg your pardon.
> Yours truly,
> Kelley Ross
> http://www.friesian.com/ross/

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