I wouldn't put my money on the euro
Gus O’Donnell, the Treasury official responsible for the assessment of the euro, almost certainly did say that it can “never be clear and unambiguous”. If so, he was correct. Almost all independent commentators have taken the same view, including those who favour British entry.
After reading the above article, there is only one word that came to mind:  Europhobia.
Eurosceptics for years were saying the Euro would never become a reality for this reason or that.  Now that it is a reality you are all praying for its failure.  You dig through the dustbins of history looking for the worst trash to use as your "evidence". 
The reality is you are afraid, scared to death, the Euro will not only survive, but either rival the power of the dollar or surpass it.  The Euro will survive and prosper because the people want it to.  The enthusiasm on the first day of its launch is proof of its widespread support.  Even the Danes and the Swedes are now sorry they said no.  And in another 2-3 years time, another 12 nations will become part of the Eurozone, increasing the number of people using the Euro to a whopping 500 million people.  And that is just a minimum.
Long live the Euro!
Cleveland, Ohio

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