
My comment was directed to those who aren't as fortunate to have what you
have.  In your case you don't need a Yahoo account.  But, those at the other
end of the spectrum would benefit.  On the other hand, maybe you can host
some of these poor peoples e-mail for them, for free of course.

So, no such luck I your part....I don't plan on dying just yet.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Gene Mechtly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "kilopascal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Metric Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, 2002-02-07 14:09
Subject: Internet Access

> John wrote:
> > ... I'm dying ... to hear what excuse will be given for
> > not opening a FREE Yahoo account....
> A free hard-wire connection at 10 megabits per second to a UNIX Server
> for Internet access, and a free account on the Server with many gigabytes
> of memory.
> But please don't die on my account, John.
> Gene.

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