The TABD has also stated that it stood in particular for smaller companies
who want to export to the EU. And I think it is exactly these ones that tend
to use irrational metric on their labels or no metric at all if they can get
away with it.
Moreover, THREE US cosmetics companies label with OZ.LIQ on their products
now. Yes, let's hope that the EU will come up with a resounding NO when the
TABD once again demands the cancellation or delay of the metric-only
Although Greg and I had pointed out in communication with Mrs Bernot that
Canada does not require the use of ifp (inch-foot-pound) units in English,
nor in French on labels, the once liquide, invented by Estee Lauder, was not
removed from EL's products and even spread to other US cosmetic companies. I
do not understand why the metrology offices in France and other French
speaking countries do not take legal action against this unit. Stamp it in
the ground! Stop the beginnings!
The two things that I especially hate as they are targeted at metric-using
countries and people are the once liquide and the attitude of the Maporama
(For newcomers to this list : go to, and load an
itinerary in any other language than English, for instance Paris-Bordeaux in
French or between two German cities in German. You will see *#%^&@*+^*$).
And this is a French, not an American or British site!
In the meantime I will go to the TABD site now and then to see whether they
are starting their campaign again.

Historian of Dutch metrication, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

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