>If TABD is true to form, we can expect no action at all, and then,
>in the spring of 2009, another whining and pathetic statement from TABD
> about how they are still "not ready" and "need more time".

I also saw the argument that the EU is creating a non-tariff barrier to
make things difficult for American companies. I expect this argument
will be used again.

Presumably the US argument of 'we are not ready' got the most
sympathetic hearing in the UK and Ireland where some companies were
until recently in a similar position. But there has never been much
sympathy for the imperial system in the other 13 countries. The UK is
often portrayed as an isolationist country and the island geography is
used as a parallel of mentality. Delay has been merely tolerated in
exchange for an assurance that transition is happening.

In addition, I get the impression that the UK is closer to the US
position on regulation than other EU countries. So US lobbying into the
EU may well have been a UK-US axis.

However, the EU as an organisation and also individual member states
regard the single internal market as a major goal (a major economic
reason for the Euro is the single market). The single market is one of
the things that ordinary people understand and support. The UK and
Ireland have had to transition faster than many politicians would have
otherwise wanted and the public accepted (mostly) that the rationale has
been the single internal market.

The EU is working on enlargement to include many more metric countries
within a similar timescale as 2009. One of the problems of enlargement
is that exceptions become much harder to maintain and political lobbying
becomes more complicated. This must surely be a factor in what happens

> The EU has to draw a line in the sand this time and say
>"Not again, not this time, not any more."

I suspect that by 2009 there will be fewer sympathetic ears in the UK
and Ireland. Like former smokers, you may find British and Irish
politicians saying 'deciding to do it is the hardest part, we did it and
it made us better, you can do it too'.

Terry Simpson
Human Factors Consultant
Phone: +44 7850 511794

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