Hello All,

In the US, to what agency/agencies does one report metric packaging
violations?  There is a local barbecue sauce company that labels its bottles
only in ounces (not even fluid ounces, but dry ounces!).  They also don't
include a nutritional information panel as required by the FDA (Food and
Drug Administration).

I'm not intending to be vindictive.  The owner violates workplace health and
safety regulations, but he has always managed to wiggle out of inspections
and cover up his transgressions.  He openly scoffs at the OSHA regulations
and at what he calls the "meddlesome" government.  Just as the government
finally convicted gangster Al Capone for tax evasion (he managed to avoid
convictions for murder and other mob-related criminal activities), the
owner's metric packaging and FDA panel violations may be the only way he can
be forced to straighten up and fly right.

Many thanks to anyone who can help.  --  Jason

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