
I am wondering what you people think of the best metrication process.

How elaborated should it be?
Is metrication the pure measuring or a way of life?

This idea came to me as Bill (?) said, that metric (int'l) roadsigns aren't
a part of SI/metrication.

Here is my point of view:

It is not the pure scientific thing it is the ease of use, the freedom to
But for me metrication goes further. I believe that 2 scientists which do
not speak each others language could communicate thru the universal and
standarized language SI.

It is the simplicity and selfexplanation of int'l road sign, which do not
say "Yield" or "U-turn" pictograms are much better, which fit in our design
goal -> standard acronyms for units.

guess this is it in brief

*How about you?*

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