A few days ago, I bought a food scale so I can more closely monitor the size of my 
meals to maintain my 70 kg (grin) of mass. It has a WOMBAT/metric switch on it, and 
from the start, I decided to use only grams in weighing my food. It is a pleasure to 
weigh in grams on a regular basis; there are no distractions of fractions of an ounce, 
and I utilize the metric information on the Nutrition Facts label panel to follow the 
nutrient content. 

Also, my produce guide reveals something interesting: US serving sizes are often 
quoted in units of produce, e.g., 1 medium red delicious apple, while the Canadian 
data are quoted in grams of that particular produce, e.g., 56 grams of red delicious 
apple. Shock and awe---metric provides accuracy. It seems that we Americans don't 
compute. We tend towards the innumerate.

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