Dear Louis,

So what happened to all the talk of 'metric down-sizing'? It looks like this
is a case for an argument about 'metric up-sizing!


Pat Naughtin LCAMS
Geelong, Australia

Pat Naughtin is the editor of the free online newsletter, 'Metrication
matters'. You can subscribe by sending an email containing the words
subscribe Metrication matters to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

on 2003-08-12 06.07, Louis JOURDAN at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> At 4:56 -0400 11/08/03, Nat Hager III wrote:
>> This is really off-the-wall....
>> Metric System to Blame for Increased Food Portions
>> "The problem," said White House spokesman Scott McClellan, "is that the
>> metric system was invented by the French." The widespread (and correct) use
>> of the metric system throughout the world only bolsters the Administration's
>> support for banning it. "Let's face it; the metric system is the system
>> terrorists are most likely familiar with. If we went back to pounds and
>> cubits, we'd be doing America a service."
>> "Invented by the French," reiterated McClellan. "Think about it."
>> At first reading: If these ideas are really those of President Bush and his
>> Administration, we really can fear the worst.
>> At second reading: may be this has to be taken with a grain of salt (or its
>> SI equivalent)?
>> Third reading: see the waiver in
>> The Watley Review is dedicated to the production of articles completely
>> without journalistic merit or factual basis, as this would entail leaving our
>> chairs or actually working. Names, places and events are generally
>> fictitious, except for public figures about which we may have heard something
>> down at the pub.  All contents are intended as parody and should be construed
>> as such.
>> Cheers to all
>> Louis (French, metric, non-terrorist)

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