Tony Bennett

Questionnaire August 3 2004, 1:01 PM 

re: UKMA Questionnaire

Would you like to see Britain get out of the measurement unit mess?

YES, by allowing the market to revert to Imperial use


Would you like to see your children be able to use the units they are taught in school?

NO. I'd like them to learn both sets of units


Would you like price transparency through consistently labelled quantities?

Er, I can think of some other priorities ahead of that


Would you like to see Britain be internationally competitive by using the international system of units?

Hardly, since over in France, Germany and Holland, where they already have S.I. units (and something called the euro), they have unemployment at up to 10%, growth is non-existent, and inward investment way behind Britain's


Would you like a safer Britain using one single set of units?

On the roads, yes - Imperial - like 99.9% of the signs are already. I wouldn't want any more Adam Doggetts of this world to he stuck under any more bridges signed illegally in metric units - nor lorries banging into an overhang because the height's been wrongly converted to metric


Would you like to see the end of the ban on metric units on our roads, footpaths and pubs?

NO. I'd like to see the end of the ban on selling loose goods in pounds and a posthumous Royal Pardon for the late Steve Thoburn

NO. I'd like them to learn both sets of units
A comment on this answer:
Learning both systems is a BWMA trick.  What they hope is that people who are taught both systems will continue to chose to use FFU and forget metric.  They constantly make claims about people who ran into trouble with metric by not knowing it despite it being taught in the schools.   Because once out of school, they use only imperial.  I find that hard to believe, especially if one works in a metric industry and shops in a market where only metric products exist..

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