
That was good news to hear.

However, U.S. metrication is not a matter for each state, but for the Nation as 
a whole.  It is a truly national (Congressional)  responsibility, but with the 
participation of governments at all levels in response to national leadership.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ron Stone 
  To: U.S. Metric Association 
  Sent: 26 October, 2010 15:50
  Subject: [USMA:48713] journalist Fareed Zakaria on Charlie Rose show PBS

  today on the Charlie Rose show on PBS, Fareed Zakaria (Time, CNN), discussed 
American economic leadership in comparison with other regions in the world. 

  metrication was mentioned (that Liberia, Myanmar, and United States haven't 
yet moved to metric). 

  i think that metrication can be accomplished in any of the states in the US. 




  Ron Stone
  disclaimers or other restrictions may apply to this message. 

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