As I speak, Rupert Murdoch is announcing the creation of The Daily, a 
subscription news and entertainment product (99 cents per week, not available 
on the Web),  for the iPad tablet device only.  iPad has about 15 million 
followers.  Murdoch harps on the "sophisticated reader."  I sense that metric 
units are going to flow onto this audience, and I'll be keeping both eyes on 
this thing. I haven't bought an iPad yet, but I probably will very soon.   What 
is your experience with the iPad if you own one? 

This reminds me of  the technology suggested by that movie The Minority Report, 
 which, in the year 2054,showed electronically-enabled paper newspapers and 
even electronically-enabled containers (e.g., video on a cereal box). 


Paul Trusten, R.Ph. , Vice President
U.S. Metric Association, Inc.

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