Mr. Rich Lowry
National Review

Dear Mr. Lowry,

Thank you very much for your interesting analysis of the light bulb issue 
 .  It goes hand in hand with the changes in technology we have experienced 
since Thomas Edison's time.  However, I take issue when this line of thinking 
is, once again, extended toward U.S. changeover to the International System of 
Units, the modern metric system, as the Nation's primary measurement system.  I 
believe that this very backward thinking is something that Mr.Edison, a 
tireless worker for improvements and a man who lived in the future, would 
himself resent. 

America's march toward a decimal system of measurement began long before the 
Metric Conversion Act of 1975. America gave the world decimal currency. Thomas 
Jefferson argued for decimal measurement during the country's earliest days. 
Alexander Graham Bell, another celebrated American inventor who gave us the 
telephone, argued fervently for U.S. metrication, as did Melvil Dewey, who 
invented the Dewey Classification System for libraries in 1876. The metric 
system was first authorized for use in the U.S. by the Congress in 1866.   This 
was followed by the U.S. signing the Meter Convention in 1875, which 
established international measurement. In 1893, U.S. Measurment Superintendent 
T.C. Mendenhall established that traditional units used in the U.S. were to be 
defined only by metric units.   In 1988, the Congress declared metric to be the 
preferred measurement system for U.S. trade and commerce.  Today, our country 
stands as the last major nation in the world not to communicate measurement 
primarily in decimal metric units.  

This reluctance of our country to make the switch is dragging on our trade and  
retarding our students' ability to compete academically with students of other 
countries.  It is too bad that Americans are influenced to fear U.S. 
metrication as an attack on  liberty and as some feeble bureaucratic move "in 
the name of efficiency," when it would be a product of the authority of the 
Congress provided in -Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution to fix the 
standard of weights and measures. It is time that the Congress do that for 
real.  And, as I like to say, our standards-loving nation needs to stop being 
so hypocritical, and embrace this standard--a standard of measurement--that 
really matters.


Paul R. Trusten
Registered Pharmacist
Vice President and Public Relations Director
U.S. Metric Association, Inc.

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