I think we would do well to encourage younger Americans to be enthusiastic
about SI and here is a great opportunity. Recently, young Mike found Metric
Pioneer probably by some internet search and bought a Metric Pioneer Tape
Measure (unpolluted - no inches). Mike has a Twitter account, but only one
follower (me). Mike is brimming with enthusiasm for SI but has few piers
with whom he can share this enthusiasm. If you have a Twitter account,
then I would encourage you to follow him. If not, then I encourage you to
create a Twitter account and follow him. Twitter is free so it will not
cost you any money. Even if you do not currently have a Twitter account you
can still click this link https://twitter.com/dazingoff and see Mike's
Twitter page. The best hope for any future American metrication is inspired
American youth.
David Pearl www.MetricPioneer.com 503-428-4917

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