FYI. Another representative showing some interest.

----- Message from ---------
   Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 13:29:12 -0700
Subject: Re: Representative Gomberg Support for
     To: Rep Gomberg <>
     Cc: Rep Boles <>, Greg Whatley

Hi Kyle. Thanks for asking which legislator requested this draft. I
initially brought this legislative concept to my government
representative Kevin Cameron, who got LC 44 started, then as you may
know, Representative Denyc Boles temporarily fills that position until
election time, when Jodi Hack is likely to be elected to represent
District 19. I did have a meeting with Representative Denyc Boles
Tuesday 5 Aug 2014 along with Science Teacher Greg Whatley to discuss
the next steps for LC 44. Our governor is a doctor, and as you may know,
the medical profession all over the world, even in the United States,
uses SI because SI is much more accurate for measuring medication, so
anyone familiar with the field of medicine would be more likely to
appreciate the significance of this legislation. I am so happy that Rep.
Gomberg would like to be able to follow up on this important
legislation. Thank you so much for responding to my email message. I
have so much more to say, but I do not want to overload you all at once.
David Pearl 503-428-4917

----- Message from Rep Gomberg <> ---------
   Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 19:42:58 +0000
   From: Rep Gomberg <>
Subject: RE: Representative Gomberg Support for
     To: "" <>

Hi David,


    Which legislator requested this draft? Rep. Gomberg would like to
be able to follow up.


    Warm regards,




    Kyle Linhares

    Chief of Staff to Rep. David Gomberg

    Oregon House District 10

    900 Court St NE, H-371

    Salem, OR 97301





      FROM: []
SENT: Saturday, August 09, 2014 1:37 PM
TO: Rep Gomberg
SUBJECT: Representative Gomberg Support for


    Dear Representative David Gomberg. I urge you to support LC 44
(attached) for several reasons, including the following: There are very
strong economic and scientific reasons for Oregon to adopt the
International System of Units (SI). The cost of not using the SI is
increasing with the trend toward globalization. Failing to adopt the SI
could result in the United States losing its competitive edge in
science and technology and in continuing to create bilateral trade
impediments with other countries. The cost of adopting the SI would be
quickly recovered by the economic benefits of global interoperability;
and this is particularly important as the dominance of United States
companies is being challenged in the competitive atmosphere of
globalization. Adopting the SI would likely result in the creation of
many jobs and better prepare the current and future workforce of the
United States to work in the international marketplace. Hawaii has
similar legislation pending (HB36). Oregon pioneered the Bottle Bill
and now several states benefit from that effort; so please consider
supporting LC 44 so that Oregon will continue to lead the way with good
ideas for our great nation. David Pearl[1]

----- End message from Rep Gomberg <> -----

----- End message from -----


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