Yes, I've heard a bit more about this subject. The latest issue of the
American Meteorological Society Bulletin carried another such study.
Also, I was in contact with an author who published last year on this.
The "wind chill temperature" can be reported in degrees Celsius or
degrees Fahrenheit; it does not force the use of non-SI units. In fact,
the studies are done in SI units.


kilopascal wrote:
> 2000-12-19
> Did anyone see the Monday, 2000-12-18 issue of the Wall Street Journal?  The
> front page article entitled: "First Santa Claus, Now The Wind chill Is
> Called Into Question".  Scientists look for a New Index Everybody Can
> Believe In; The One We Use Is Wrong
> The article was written by Mark Robichaux, Staff Reporter.
> It gives the history of how wind chill was first determined.  Talks about
> how it is done in Canada and other countries.  But, only mentions that
> Canada uses Watts per square metre as a measure of heat loss.  The US uses
> equivalent temperatures.  Either methods are in error because the formula
> for doing the calculation is in error.
> There is suppose to be a world-wide effort to come up with a new index.  The
> new method will be announced in Geneva early next fall.  The article says
> nothing of what units the new method would use.  If I were to guess, the
> watt per square metre would continue, but the calculation method would be
> improved.
> But, something tells me the Americans will mess it all up by trying to find
> an FFU equivalence.
> Has anyone else heard anything more on this subject?
> John
> Keiner ist hoffnungsloser versklavt als derjenige, der irrtümlich glaubt
> frei zu sein.
> There are none more hopelessly enslaved then those who falsely believe they
> are free!
> Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)

Metric Methods(SM)           "Don't be late to metricate!"
James R. Frysinger, CAMS
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