"Carter, Baron" wrote:
> I think the APWA is taking a cop out approach.  The Federal Govt rarely does
> anyhing on its own initiative.  They will act/mandate metrication when
> sufficient groups of people demand it be so.  People like the APWA.  Instead
> of wimping away in a corner the APWA, along with many other organizations,
> should be lambasting the Feds to get metric conversion made mandatory.

The APWA "should" be doing what you write?

Why would an organization of people deliberately make life harder for
themselves? What evidence is there that most people don't prefer the
status quo if they don't perceive it is hurting them? Why would they
deliberately march into a metric muddle that could be just as bad as
Canada's, if not worse, given no commited program at the top to convert
to metric?

If we project our commitment (even impatience to some degree) with the
current, limited state of metrication onto others, I suspect we will
distort our perceptions of their reality and make it even less likely
that they will get on board with metrication.

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