Below is today's correspondence I had with the Teaching Company 
Let's hope they adopt the changes I've requested. (Another drop in the right direction 
-- to hopelessly mix metaphors!)


CustServ wrote:

> Dear Erza Steinberg,
> Thank you for your suggestions!  I will be more than happy to forward your ideas 
>along to our Production/Development Team.
> Best Regards and Happy Holidays,
> Alexandra Arkoian
> Customer Relations
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ezra Steinberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2002 4:47 PM
> To: CustServ
> Subject: Please include metric in courses!
> Dear Teaching Company:
> I have bought a LOT of your courses over the years and have thorougly enjoyed all of 
>them. I have justed finished the course on the Neolithic revolution and am now in the 
>middle of the course on biological anthropology. All fabulous!
> One thing I have noted with some dismay is that all of the courses (including the 
>ones on scientific topics) use only U.S. Customary units (miles, feet, gallons, 
>inches, degrees Fahrenheit, etc.). In this day and age, and given the fact that ALL 
>English-speaking countries outside of the United States (including Canada, where you 
>must certainly have customers also, plus the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, 
>South Africa, etc.) use the metric system. It seems to me quite appropriate that you 
>ask all of your teachers in future courses to use both metric (hopefully in first 
>position, since that is our future also) and US Customary units. (I think this is 
>especially important in courses on science, where I think you can even make a case to 
>use only metric units --  I'll let you folks decide that one).
> Thank you for providing such a valuable educational service -- I don't know where 
>I'd be without you guys! (And please let me know if you decide to embrace this idea 
>of including both metric and US Customary units in all future courses.)
> Wishing you a joyous holiday season, I remain,
> Sincerely yours,
> Ezra Steinberg
> Redwood City, CA
> 650.299.0751

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