When I took high school chemistry in 1967-68, I was encouraged to use a slide rule for 
calculations. Not many students got the hang of it, which "hang" was not much more 
than facility in placing the decimal point. I was soon zinging through calculation 
problems while others were scribbling and erasing. 

Funny, but in the 1966 scifi film "Fantastic Voyage", supposedly set in a future time, 
one of the military is seen making a calculation on a slide rule---the dream weavers 
of the time were unable to predict the changes in number crunching power which would 
take place in only a few years.

Paul Trusten, R.Ph.
3609 Caldera Blvd, Apt. 122
Midland TX 79707-2872 USA

There are two cardinal sins, from which all the others spring: impatience and laziness.

            ---Franz Kafka

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