The VA has CDs that are considered public domain and, though I am no
developer, maybe something can be extracted from them to serve smaller
hospitals and medical practices, starting, say, here in VT and NH, and then
farmed out nationwide.
As a vet, my own experience with the facilities at White River Junction has
been outstanding.

Arlo is still around and still touring.  So that would be my recommendation
for the hippie bus. If we do the camo version bus, I'd say we gotta go with
either the MASH theme or "Still in Saigon" by the Charlie Daniels Band.

Old Farmer Dave
Pavilion Farm (1806)
West Montpeculiar, VT

Sgt. USAF 1971-77
RVN '72
TLC '74-75


On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 5:39 PM, Rick White <> wrote:

> Howdy, Old Farmer Dave,
> Here's an excerpt from your linked site:
> "VistA is an enterprise-wide, fully integrated, fully functional
> information system built around an electronic health record. It is easily
> customizable and can be configured to fit any type of healthcare
> organization, from clinics and medical practices to nursing homes and large
> hospitals. VistA has been named one of the best healthcare information
> systems in the nation by the Institute of Medicine.
> Developed by the Department of Veterans Affairs, the VistA healthcare
> information system supports the hospitals and clinics serving veterans
> throughout the US. VistA has been deployed in thousands of healthcare
> facilities, both domestic and international.
> Because VistA is available in the public domain, there are no license fees
> to use the software. This makes VistA an affordable electronic health record
> system for healthcare organizations."
> here's the link:
> The second sentence seems to address your subject line, or (as usual), am I
> missing something?
> Rick
> p.s. The "endless loop" playing Arlo Guthrie was, of course, an 8-track
> cartridge. For the young set, this was a long mobius strip of tape that
> played over and over.
> --- On Wed, 4/15/09, David Hardy <> wrote:
> > From: David Hardy <>
> > Subject: VA's open source, guys; how to use their sw in smaller practices
> here in northern NE?
> > Date: Wednesday, April 15, 2009, 4:50 PM
> >

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