A band of energetic youth comprising of  Mr Stephen ex
Military official   Karate Instructor , Mr Mulla Irfan
 alias “ Babloo “  Chairman  and Mr Zalil General
Secretary besides others under the banner “BLOOD OF
GOANS FRONT” have taken up the demand for a Kabrasthan
 for the Moslem community of Salcete ( which according
to them is a population in Salcete of around 40,000 
with Margao alone accounting for 18,000 ) since
Thursday, 15th March, 2007 at 1730 hrs till the time
of writing this post.

They are vexed over the fact that despite assurances
from all political  parties in the past 28 years there
is no political leader who has agreed to provide them
a suitable place for burial besides the 17,000 m2 land
at Pajifond  atop a hilly terrain which is  a
partially motorable road  mid hill while rest of the
access to the grave yard is by foot on a steep
gradient. They also affirm the fact that the terrain
is of hard rock and is not easily permeable soil for a
decent burial. 

According to Mr Artik Banducda General Secretary of
the Jamiya Masjid they state that in the past they had
made several attempts to get land from the Government.
 They were allotted  a place at Chandrawado Fatorda to
be shared with Hindus and Catholics but this was not
acceptable to the Hindu community. Then they were
given a  land in Raia far away from the residential
areas yet after some days they were shooed away from
the area with stone pelting.  They were also give a
land in San Jose de Areal  21,500 m2  to be purchased
by them and another 10,000 m2 to be given by the
Government of Goa . But after the land was purchased
there was stiff opposition and hence they had to put
off the project for a burial ground and instead retain
in for a place of worship.

Left with no other alternative owing to the Opposition
from all quarters the Moslems were frustrated as the
existing burial ground at Pajifond could not meet the
demands of Moslems who had to cope with space for  an
average of 6  to 8 deaths a month according to Mr
Riyaz.  Elaborating further Mr Riyaz one of the
activists who spoke to this writer stated that the
Moslem community decided to re-organise the space
utilization plan  which is used by the Sunni Moslems 
and the Tabli and  Al Adis sects (who have their own
Siddique mosques at Fatorda Khareaband etc  and are
like the Believers sect of the Catholic community) .
But intervening their burial ground is a strip owned
by the Khojas of the Prince Aga Khan Ismail sects for
their exclusive use.  Besides that they state  the
visits to the burial grounds on ocassion of burial of
the dead, the Moslem community is required to visit it
only on three occasions for prayers on Rmazan Id,
Bakri Id and a day dedicated to the dead  a la Souls
Day of the Christians.

Sensing the no nonsense attitude of the agitating
Moslem youth politicians from Salcette tried to break
bread with them; be  it MP Churchill Alemao, 
Ministers Mr Francisco Sardinha, Mr Luisinho Faleiro,
Mr Digamber Kamat and Mr Damu Naik MLA Fatorda 
However the youth for once decided to shun all
political affiliations.  They are clear on one point –
says “Babloo” the one who solves their demand will not
only be held in high esteem but will earn the goodwill
of all the Moslem community in Goa and Allah our
supreme leader.

When this writer made a site inspection of the burial
grounds which according to these youth was donated by
a Moslem family somewhere in 1887 though none of them
could identify the donor or show the copy of the will
donating such land, the place indeed reflects the
ground reality as projected by the youth.  

However when they were asked to comment on why the
burial ground was not usurped for re burial after a
period of time say three – four years as the 
Catholics do Mr Riyaz  stated that they have recently
decided to have the graves cleared off in three to six
months This appeared an unbelievable reality but Mr
Riyaz went on to explain to this writer that “Zaanaza
“ which means man you are dust and unto dust thou
shall return ---- most of the dead are buried with
simple cloth rolled with camphor and “baddishap” in
1.5 metres depth and this is enough for the bodies to
decompose readily.  Accordoing  to Mr Artik Banducda
and a committee member of the 19 Mosques in Salcete an
enterprising retailer and wholesaler cloth merchant 
of the famous “Babu cloth shops” at New Market and
Gandhi market, he stated that there were complaints
from the bereaved members to avoid such re-use of the
graves at short intervals as some of the bodies were
far from decomposed mainly the torso etc.  Mr Riyaz
also stated that the Moslem community had taken a
decision to demolish all the old memorials erected
that were sixty years old by some Moslems for their
departed ones at the burial grounds to provide for
space yet the y are in need of more space and hence
the 7000 odd land would be of atleast temporary use to

It  may be noted that following a government decision
to acquire an area of 7306 m2 of land under section 6
of the Land Acquisition Act, belonging to one Mr Savio
Da Costa of Assolna now residing at Rua Abade Faria. 
The land which is  approximately 3500 m2  settlement
area and 3500 m2 orchard land and having a market
value of Rs 2000 per square meters, according to Mr Da
Costa,  who spoke to this writer this evening,
apparently considering that the only other  motorable
access available is via the Grace Cardiac Centre,
Pajifond while the other from the Sunaparant daily
office Opposite BPS club  has a very narrow access
pathway.  But while  Mr Da Costa   sympathises with
the demand of the Moslem community he feels that they
should not  render his holding uneconomical and
demanded a reasonable price be paid or to pull up the
politicians  who had failed to meet their demands.
“They have the money ask them for it for this is your
genuine demand that they ought to settle “ he said in
an emotive filled voice fearing the loss of prime land
which could other wise be used as a recreation center.

According to Ms Auda Viegas , social worker
ex-councillor and one of the UGDP ex Vice President ,
she was sympathetic to the demands of the Moslems, and
castigated the other politicians for giving false
assurances to the Moslem community.  However she had
earlier signed a joint representation dated 17th
February, 2007 along with 400 odd residents of
Pajifond opposing the demand for acquisition of land
for the Kabrasthan  when she was given to understand
that part of the property belonging to the
neighbouring residents too would be acquired.and that
in the past too they had opposed the setting up of a
cemetery for the residents of our Lady of Grace

 Interestingly Mr Savio da Costa has objected to the
land acquisition  on grounds that the intent of the
government and the local MLA was prejudiced.  He has
sought under the Right to Information Act 2005 to know
why the Margao Municipal Council which acquired from
the Fabrica de Raia 30,000 m2 of land at Sonsoddo,
with excess road provided from residential house could
not be used for the demands of the Moslems community 
instead laying hands on his property.  The hearing
before the Land Acquisition officer is now scheduled
for 21st March, 2007.  Till then the youth will have
to continue with their fast . In the meanwhile they
are sympathetic to the views of Mr da Costa but they
state that the Sunni Jamiya Masjid has already paid
seven lacs thirty thousand and six to the Government.
If the Government acquires the land belonging to Mr da
Costa they would even consider a refund from the
government of the seven odd lacs  and  pay the same to
Mr da Costa to mitigate his financial losses and would
have no objection to his claims for a higher market
price then the amount awarded.  According to Mr Artik,
he stated that while it was a fact that many of the
Moslems were well off and could easily settle for an
outright purchase of the land from Mr Da Costa instead
of depending on the Government and the politicians to
extract political mileage, he claimed that the Moslem
community was not prompt in contributing their mite .
As a matter of fact Mr Artik admitted that  he had to
borrow  Rs five lacs from his uncle in Sri Lanka to
meet the costs of the land acquired at San Jose de
Areal which has now to be abandoned.  Even of the
seven odd lacs paid to the Government for the land
acquisition of Mr Da Costas property he claimed that
Rs two lacs was donated by a Catholic hailing from

As things stand there are only two alternatives  a)
the MLA could get the Government to acquire the land
under urgency clause as has been his style of seeing
his projects get through and considering that no
political party could antagonise the Moslem vote bank
at the hustings  b) the Government could provide the
funds and the Moslem community could select the land
of their choice and abandon the present Kabrasthan c) 
Mr da Costa could offer the land to the Moslems at a
mutually agreed rate now that the prospects of  Land
Acquisition under urgency clause may be the ultimate
weapon for the Goa Government to save face, and d) Mr
da Costa could move the High Court and plead against
the ulterior motive of the Government who has
unjudiciously banked on his land instead of the 30,000
m2 metres of unused land at the disposal of the Margao
Municipal Council at Sonsoddo .

Meanwhile there is little time left for the Government
to resolve this issue and they can only afford to
neglect it at their peril. Considering that today is
non government working day tomorrow a Sunday and the
day after Gudi Padva there are moves that Mr Luizinho
Faleiro,  Mr  Digamber Kamat may accede to the demand
of the Moslems and ask them to call off their fast


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