In a dramatic development a precedent of sorts in the
anals of Goa's history the "never say die"
septugenarian ex Deputy Speaker of the Goa Legislative
Assembly and four times elected representative of the
12 Santa Cruz Assembly Constitutency Ms Victoria
Fernandes who earned the sobriquet of "Rani of Jhansi"
( reference to the 1857 mutiny ) went on an indefinite
hunger strike when she learnt that she was denied a
cabinet berth at todays swearing in ceremony at the
Raj Bhavan lawns this morning.

The orange saree clad veteran politician a firebrand
politician who took on her own colleague the then Town
& Country Planning Minister Mr Antanasio (Babush )
Monseratte against the ordinance which threatened to
destroy this tiny beautiful 25th State of India 
stayed parked in front of the Panaji Steamer Jetty
near the Customs House and threatened to continue to
do so indefinitely demanding that those responsible
for doing injustice to her legitimate claim for a
Cabinet berth should stand exposed.

She is also credited for having created a furore when
she raised her voice at  a Forum in the Goa
Legislative Assembly when she boldly represented
before the President of India Dr A P J Abdul Kalam
about the rampant destruction of the State.  The
President who was taken up by surprise at this
"informal protest" took cognizance of her
conscientious appeal and directed the Government of
Goa to lend a ear to her genuine grievance.

When this writer spoke to Ms Fernandes  via cellphone
+91 9823253809 this evening -- she stated that her
demands were logical --- " she was the lone women
representative in the Goa State legislative Assembly;
she  had no scandals against her; she had fought
against the draconian TCP ordinance to protect the
State from rampant destruction." "even during the
recent Goa Bachao Abhiyan agitation against the
Regional Plan 2011 she was always in the forefront
irrespective of her then status as a Deputy Speaker
for she felt that the interests of the State was
always dear to her than  party considerations.Finally
she had despite monetary influence managed to humble
Ms Jennifer Monserate wife of the TCP ex Minister and
present UGDP MLA of Taleigao to third position thereby
proving that her stand had the support of not only the
people of Santa Cruz Constituency but also Goa at

When asked specifically her views on the Chief
Minister Mr Digamber Kamat who under the Constitution
is expected to select among the MLA's those who enjoy
his confidence that being his perogative to do so--
she stated that Mr Kamat lay the blame entirely on the
High Command and he feigned helplessness in the

When probed deeper into the likely party High Command
observers who were intent on ensuring denial of a
Cabinet posting she bluntly blamed -- the All India
Congress Committee General Secretary looking after the
Goa Desk Ms Margaret Alva for "misrepresenting facts"
before the High Command.  " She said -- she is the
culprit for giving all this false picture to the High
Command "

This writer tried to make frantic calls to Ms Margaret
Alva to ascertain her views on her cellphone
09868100099 but the same was out of coverage area.

When asked to elaborate further on who in her opinion
she felt should not have been given the portfolio in
todays expansion which included one fresh entrant Mr
Vishwajit Raoji Rane Independent MLA from Valpoi and
son of the Speaker of the Goa Legislative Assembly Mr
Pratapsing Raoji Rane--- she merely said that it was
the perogative of the Chief Minister but stressed that
with her unscathed record as state above she ought to
have been given the Cabinet berth.

This writer came interacted with a large section of
women to learn of their reactions to the denial of a
Cabinet berth to Ms Fernandes; they expressed disgust
against the INC.  They were in unanimity that money
power was the sole criteria in deciding berths and not
loyalty or sincerity.

Others felt that the INC has been reduced to
shambles-- one person questioned this writer
objectively --- and expected a reply -- when he blamed
to High Command for following a dual policy in
alloting tickets.. When asked to elaborate he stated
that Mr Vishwajit Rane who was inducted suddenly in
the Goa Pradesh Congress Committee was denied a ticket
and hence he resigned.  This implied he rebelled
against the party yet when he contested the elections
and won the over 100 year old party bent backwards to
appease him for his supports knowing full well that Mr
Rane had no choice but to support a INC led government
for he had already filed a defamation suit against the
Leader of the Opposition Mr Manohar Parrikar and
therefore giving him a Cabinet berth smacked of

Another individual sarcastically remarked that the INC
is devoid of Chief Minister material MLA's and
therefore the options other than Mr Rane were only BJP
trained MLA's referring to Mr Ravi Sitaram Naik MLA
Ponda who was the Deputy Chief Minister and the
present Chief Minister Mr Digamber Kamat MLA Margao
who was second in command in the BJP led coalition.

Meanwhile there was another fallout of the expansion
today when the youthful and flambouyant MLA from
Cortalim Mr Mauvin Godinho was denied a Cabinet rank
but instead has been tipped for the Deputy Speakers

The indefinite hunger strike  by Ms Victoria Fernandes
and disatisfaction among other MLA's notably the St
Andre MLA Mr Francisco Silveira and Mr Chandrakant B
Kavlekar MLA Quepem who despite their past experience
were denied Cabinet berth forced the CM to defer the
allotment of portfolios to tommorrow.

Attempts are being made to woo Mr Victoria Fernandes
to give up her indefinite fast but Ms Fernandes seems
determined to pursue her agenda until death.

Attempts by this writer to contact the party men
evoked no response -- many refused to comment however
one party men felt that Ms Victoria Fernandes was
given a ticket after a great deal of lobbying.  Her
demand for a Cabinet berth and may be later a
lucrative portfolio or the TCP portfolio would not
augur well.  He stated that the INC had taken note of
her loyalty yet party considerations prevailed over
individual claims.

Meanwhile there was a stoic silence maintained by the
UGDP SGF and the BJP even the other Independent MLA
the industrialist mine owner have not expressed their
views on todays development.

With this the Kamat Ministry apparently appears to be
on oxygen by its own acts.  

It will be left to be seen how the INC High Command
reacts to these developments.  But it is clear that
the emissaries from New Delhi will be sent to pacify
Ms Fernandes to fall in line.

Meanwhile a Medical practitioner who this writer spoke
to expressed concern over the step taken by Ms
Fernandes given her age and the climatic conditions it
would not augur well for the septugenarian to indulge
in such indefinite fast.

Another activist from Margao who spoke to this writer
and has gone on record -- Ms Auda Viegas felt a gross
injustice has been done to Ms Fernandes.  She stated
that the INC bastion specially in Salcete Tiswadi has
a number of women voters who infact run the daily
chores while their better halfs are overseas and in
the gulf to earn a living.  These women have always
looked upon Ms Fernandes as the voice of women. To
spite this is a gross injustice.  Morever Ms Fernandes
has been a role model for other women and the Party
has indeed done gross injustice to women she said.

+91 98221 58584 (24 HRS) 

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