virus scan features prices ?

2001-11-28 Thread Toph Kemmann
Could anyone please share his experience which is the best and cheapest commercial virus scanner addon for qmail-scanner for about 100 domains (one IP) ? Trend's Virus scanner Sophos's sweep virus scanner H+BEDV's antivir scanner Kaspersky's AVPLinux scanner MacAfee's (NAI's) virus scanner

POP before SMTP with Mysql ... nobody ???

2001-11-19 Thread Toph Kemmann
Hi, how do I have to start SMTP and pop to check the mysql-table RELAY for auth IP-addresses (pop before smtp) ?? When I receive mail, the IP address gets into RELAY-MySQL-Table including timestamp but SMTP doesn't care. replace into relay ( ip_addr, timestamp ) values ( '',

Mysql-Relay, Vpopmail SMTP ???

2001-10-31 Thread Toph Kemmann
Hello, I need help to properly START qmail and smtp (with mysql-relay) I get no error messages (or I don´t find it) when I send mail and getting mail is no problem (including saving data in mysqltable relay)! /home/vpopmail/bin/.vpopbull -f file.txt works fine !! versions:

SMTP MySQL --- Logfile ??

2001-10-29 Thread Toph Kemmann
Hello, I´m using vpopmail4.9.10 and I want to check with MySQL if the user may send mail (table: relay). I don´t get any error messages, when I send mail (where is the logfile anyway???) but the messages seams to disappear. Getting mail seeems to work (SQL-Logfile) ! Could someone please post the