what version of vpopmail are you using?  You using tcpserver, inetd or
xinetd?  What OS?  If you're using tcpserver, can you please post your
startup line for it?



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hans-Juergen Schwarz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 7:20 AM
> To: vpopmail
> Subject: slow login thru firewall?
> Hello all,
> when I start to pull down my mails from my Mailserver thru a Firewall
> in my local Network, login takes a long time (around 10 seconds).
> Login without the firewall works fine. Does anybody know what the
> reason is? The Logs say that port 3 is affected while log into my
> mailaccount. But what is vpopmail doing with compression?
> Any ideas? Help would really be appreciated
> Thank you very much
> Hans-Juergen

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