--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Ryan Ozawa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 7/18/05, Rick Klau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > This seems a bit off the mark; since we republish your source feed,
> > you're of course always welcome to add anything to your source feed
> > that you like - we certainly don't strip anything out.
> Here's what I want to know:  Is Feedburner submitting feeds to
> iTunes on users' behalf?  Is iTunes somehow using Feedburner as a
> source?  Because twice now my Feedburner feed has turned up in the
> iTMS in addition to my "real" feed, and I've had to ask that it be
> removed.  I can't figure out who's sending in the Feedburner feed
> in the first place.

Ryan -

We're definitely not doing this, and we're aware of a few cases where
iTunes has "discovered" a FeedBurner feed. We've been asked (by a
number of directories, actually) to expose our feeds, and we've chosen
not to -- should we enable this down the road, it'll be at the user's
discretion (i.e., if they want their feed listed, they can choose to
submit it).

Feel free to send me a note off-list with your feed URL and I'll send
it to Apple to try and expedite the removal of the duplicate feed.


Rick Klau
VP, Business Development
FeedBurner - http://www.feedburner.com
AIM/Y!/Skype: RickKlau
office: 312.756.0022
cell: 630.362.8911

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