Tim Chase wrote:

Typing the sequence 'oun' really fast (i.e. touch typing
speed) when there already exists a line below the one the
cursor is currently on, in INSERT mode, moves the cursor down
one line between the 'u' and the 'n'.

In my general experience, this "doesn't happen" :) There are a couple possible causes that occur to me:

1) you've got an insert-mode mapping.  To determine, issue


and check the results for something funky like a mapping for "oun". Alternatively, you can start a "naked vim" with

    vim -u NONE

which will prevent it from loading any plugins. If either of these finds the problem, you can use :scriptnames to determine where things may or may not have been loaded, and search them for where the mapping (or other prolematic configuration) was created/issued.

2) you've got some funky keyboard mapping at the console/GUI level. This would evidence itself in other editors, so if you pull up Nano or Emacs and rapidly type "oun" in the same fashion as you do in Vim, you'd get other funky characters. How to remedy this lies outside vim...you'd have to check your keyboard configuration for your console or GUI/WM

3) you've got a wonked keyboard. Highly unlikely, but a remoooooote possibility. If the other ideas don't turn up a solution, you might want to pilfer a second keyboard and see if the problem persists.

Just a few ideas.



For the moment it looks like option two, then again my keyboard is has had so
much caffeine spilt on it, it might be in a slightly altered state of mind.
Nonetheless, the problem is not peculiar to vim, and thus not Vim's problem.
Thanks for the tip off...

- James

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