New feature: cursor at the beginning of tab character in normal mode

2008-10-02 Fir de Conversatie Vladimir A . Pavlov
Hello! A few days ago I wrote the following to [EMAIL PROTECTED]: I'd like to switch to vim but there is an annoying issue with it that I couldn't solve. When the cursor is at a tab character most editors display the cursor at the beginning of the interval the tab character occupies as

Re: New feature: cursor at the beginning of tab character in normal mode

2008-10-06 Fir de Conversatie Vladimir A . Pavlov
On Sat, 4 Oct 2008 at 02:37 Richard Hartmann wrote: I would suggest adapting the helpfiles to reflect the above, though. I found the section called VIEWING TABS in the chapter 05.7 of the standard vim manual. It contains the following: :set listchars=tab:-,trail:- with the explanation what

Vim 7.2.315 bug (with a fix) - Unable to close a fold when foldmethod=syntax

2009-12-08 Fir de Conversatie Vladimir A . Pavlov
Hello! I think (well, I'm sure) I found a bug in vim when using foldmethod=syntax (both FEAT_SYN_HL and FEAT_FOLD are enabled). BRIEF: I attached two unified patches that should be applied after applying all the upstream patches from 7.2.001 to 7.2.315 to fix the issue (the bug exists in plain

Re: Vim 7.2.315 bug (with a fix) - Unable to close a fold when foldmethod=syntax

2009-12-12 Fir de Conversatie Vladimir A . Pavlov
Hmm... I've just found a case on which my patch fails (as well as unpatched vim). I attach the updated test case but it has (now) incorrect title and isn't finished yet. It seems that in the vim-7.2-fold_o.patch patch while (!got_int fline.lnum 0 (!fline.start || fline.lvl != lvl))

Fixed issue with langmap

2010-06-13 Fir de Conversatie Vladimir A . Pavlov
Hi! I use vim-7.2.441 and I use vim's great langmap feature when writing russian texts. But when I try pressing ^[ to exit insert mode (or ^O to exit it temporarily) in russian xkb layout I got `х' (the russian character placed at the same key as `[') inserted instead of exiting. The following

Re: Fixed issue with langmap

2010-06-14 Fir de Conversatie Vladimir A . Pavlov
I don't think this is the right solution. Any key typed with CTRL would be affected. That's exactly as it supposed to work in the patch. I think you need to find a way to produce Esc in your russian layout. Yes, but not only Esc. All the keybindings with Ctrl key don't work, such as

Re: Fixed issue with langmap

2010-06-18 Fir de Conversatie Vladimir A . Pavlov
It seems the Windows gVim build (7.2.267) is not affected of this issue. All the examples above works well with this langmap: Yes, I think the issue is in gtk+ behavior. (I even think it's not bug but a feature since, in general, it allows using sequences like ^russian letter). I've looked

Re: Fixed issue with langmap

2010-06-29 Fir de Conversatie Vladimir A . Pavlov
Any comments on the patch? -- You received this message from the vim_dev maillist. Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying to. For more information, visit