On 2/22/17 3:54 PM, Jason Kurtz wrote:
> I understand, Have you considered a kickstarter. I know there is a large
> base using turbovnc and even a larger base using virtualgl. There's not
> really a great alternative. I would be happy to donate to something like
> that. bvnc pro which is the closet
My understanding is that the TurboVNC Server is actually crashing.
Maybe I misunderstood. In any case, it shouldn't be dumping the
connection. Our server should support RealVNC viewers.
On 2/22/17 3:42 PM, Jason Kurtz wrote:
> I have seen that error before using realvnc, Its because it can not
> if I had to do this from scratch, I could easily see it taking
> more than 100 hours to get a proof of concept working, and more than
> that to fully test it, document it, produce builds in a somewhat
> automated manner, etc. There could be some reuse of the existing Java
> classes, but I'm gu
I have seen that error before using realvnc, Its because it can not
negotiate from the client a compression method so it dumps the connection.
You need to switch from realvnc to turbovnc on the windows client machines
like DRC says. Just grab turbovnc client for the windows machines.
The OP is having a problem with TurboVNC, not VirtualGL. The nVidia
driver is not relevant to the problem. Please let me handle this. Thanks.
On 2/22/17 1:48 PM, Jason Kurtz wrote:
> Could you also run the following commands on the ubuntu server.
> List all packages installed on the system.
> s
Could you also run the following commands on the ubuntu server.
List all packages installed on the system.
sudo su -
dpkg --admindir=/var/lib/dpkg/ --get-selections > installed.packages
The current Kernel Version.
uname -a > installed.kernel
The jre installed on the system
The jdk the system is usi