I have a couple of funded projects in the works for TurboVNC 2.1, but 
there is no funded work on the horizon for VirtualGL and TurboVNC after 
the end of 2015.  As you know, I rely on funded development 
opportunities in order to stay afloat as an independent developer, which 
allows me to develop VirtualGL and TurboVNC in a manner that serves the 
needs of all of its users (instead of being focused on just one 
organization's agenda) and allows me to devote my full resources to the 
projects.  Please take a moment to review some proposed features for 
TurboVNC that are in need of funding:


If your organization would be willing to fund the development of one or 
more of these features, or if you have other ideas in mind for VirtualGL 
and TurboVNC enhancements, please contact me.  There are a great deal of 
other possibilities for future work, such as Wayland support, H.264 
support, etc., that are yet to be fully fleshed out.

I also provide professional support contracts and ad hoc consulting 
services for VirtualGL and TurboVNC (or any other remote display 
software, for that matter) at reasonable hourly rates.


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